"Best Caviar Delivery" -
as Featured in NY POST,
Haute Living magazine
and Forbes
osetra CAVIAR
Osetra caviar for sale online is one of the most prized and expensive types of caviar. It is obtained from the Osetra sturgeon which weight 50-400 pounds and can live up to 50 years. Osetra caviar varies in color—from deep brown to gold.
Kaluga caviar is the best alternative to the beloved and unfortunately banned in the U.S. beluga caviar. This caviar is large in size, has firm eggs, and a distinctive buttery flavor.
When it comes to a giving gift, we are always looking for a perfect present. IKRAA offers you several types of caviar gift sets and presentations, and we are always happy to assist you to bring any of your ideas to life—whether it’s adding 100 roses or a bottle of your favorite champagne to the order. All our gift sets are absolutely customizable, and we are always happy to hear your ideas. Here at IKRAA we want to make sure whatever the occasion, we can help make it extraordinary.
If you’re serving caviar, you need to be sure you have the right supplies. Caviar has delicate flavors that can be overwhelmed by metal spoons and dishes, and it must be kept cold.

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