If you are going to have caviar, have the best and plenty of it, and don’t plan on eating too much afterwards. The caviar should be the star! To enjoy the caviar on its own, it is best to try different types of caviar. We always recommend serving caviar in its own tin, open just before serving and placed on ice. Guests serve themselves delicacy from the tin with a mother-of-pearl spoon. You may find two different opinion on how to serve caviar. Some recommend serving it on buttered and grilled bread, alongside with chopped egg white, chopped egg yolk, chopped onion and chopped parsley. Others advise against adding lemon, capers and eggs because it can change the flavor of caviar. 

For a good testing allow up to 100 gram per person, for an ideal experience for two we recommend buying a 4 oz tin or a caviar testing set, including our three most popular types of caviar (Imperial Osetra, Kaluga Premium, Signature Reserve Caviar). For four to eight people we recommend getting a 8 oz tin of Caviar. Our most popular size is 1 lbs. tin of Caviar. 

With the proper temperature and sealed with the rubber band Caviar will keep its original taste and stay for up to two weeks. If you are looking for to impress your guests on a wedding or birthday party we also have a choice of 1 kilo and the biggest size - 1,8 kilo (4 lbs.) of Caviar presented in the original tins. 

For those looking for rare types of premium caviar, we accept preorders on Golden Osetra Caviar. If you would like to get notified about the availability, please sign up to our newsletter. 

All shipping over $300 is free, and we also have a caviar local delivery option for Manhattan area—a minimum order of 4 oz is required. For the same day delivery please place your order before 3 pm. 

From The Beginning

                      For two generations IKRAA represents the world's finest caviar to a select group of discerning connoisseurs and restaurateurs and those trying caviar for the first time.            

            Caviar, or as it is known in historic Russian, IKRA, is one of gastronomy's finest and rarest delicacies. During the wild fishing era the Russian Northern Caspian Sea Sturgeon caviar was universally considered by connoisseurs to be the best of the best and our family, the Dozortsevs were one of the largest purveyors to the United States. 

                 As passionate caviar lovers and purveyors we lived first hand the unfortunate overfishing of the Caspian Sea. With that knowledge, and in advance of the eventual fishing ban, we made the decision to begin sourcing farm raised sturgeon caviar from the finest aquaculture sources in the world including producers in China and Azerbaijan. With our historic reputation for only the finest caviar, producers throughout the world sought to be represented by us. Those selected sources became the foundation of our latest caviar venture, IKRAA — a caviar online and delivery service.

Talking About Caviar

                       For us Caviar is a unique and rich taste of the sea. The best caviar used to come from Russia and Iran, fresh and pasteurized. Since the caviar business has shifted to farmed raised caviar, you can find great quality caviar in more countries such as Italy, China, Israel and Canada. Every farm has a unique experience and recipe of salting their caviar.Fresh caviar comes in tins sealed with rubber band, pasteurized caviar usually comes in little vacuum sealed glass jars. 

                       There are three different kinds: Sevruga, which has smallest eggs; Osetra, with bigger size eggs; and Beluga, which has biggest eggs and is the most expensive of all caviars. Beluga caviar is currently banned in the US, the only two close caviar types to Beluga allowed are Kaluga Huso, we call it Kaluga Premium, and Beluga Hybrid. To have the most exclusive experience we recommend you trying our exclusive Signature Reserve. IKRAA Caviar works exclusively with fresh Osetra and Kaluga caviar; we never pasteurize or store our products more than 3 weeks.